Thursday, February 5, 2015

Message to My Inner 10 Year Old Little Girls

I just couldn’t figure out why the VOElla Poetry Challenge became so important to me. I hate contests, but this poetry contest became a symbol for me. 

When I was a young girl, I was considered a child prodigy in piano. I was put in the National Piano Guild Contest against college students, and was ranked in the top 2% at 10. From there, I was offered a scholarship to the University music program and a chance to go to Juilliard. My parents both said no and lectured me about how I was not good enough and would never be good enough and to get used to being let down. So, I believed them – they were my parents, after all.

This poetry contest became the National Piano Guild all over again. It became my chance to tell that little 10 year old girl, once and for all, that she was good enough then and she still is good enough. 

I sit here writing this, not knowing the results yet. I do not know which way it will go tonight. What I do know is that I did the very best I could do, and regardless, Dammit! I am good enough, and so is that 10 year old girl.

So, winning is not about what everyone else sees. Winning this is about loving that 10 year old that was hurt so bad back then, and telling her she is more than good enough.

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