Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Book Review - Beyond the Pale Motel

As my readers know, I love promoting other authors and their new releases. That being said, I am very careful when I review a book on my blog and do not offer my promotions lightly. In other words, I do not promote without discretion. If I don’t like a book, I will not review it – period. I am so pleased to tell you all about an author and her new book that is released today.
Introducing Francesca Lia Block, and her new book Beyond the Pale Motel

I have to say that you must purchase this book. You are in for a ride of your life! From the opening paragraph, the prologue, interest is piqued. As a reader, I had to go further. From there, the characters, Catt and Bree, come to life and the back story provides the perfect conflict.  

The erotic scenes are just that – erotic, evocative, and captivating. They are not the old, tired scenes that appear in all erotica. The side story that provides the impetus and catalyst for the conflict gives the reader a seat gripping, heart stopping journey. As a reader, not only did I want to close my eyes until it was over, but I was compelled to I read on.

I have to say here that, as an author and writer myself, I often find myself reading a book in editor mode wondering how I would have written the scene. But Francesca completely took me out of editing and into reading. Really? That’s a hard thing to do for me. I have not read her other book, but believe me, I will most definitely do that now!

Francesca, well done! Your characters are written in a way that it is easy, as a reader, to feel for them and to understand their motivation. I want to read it again! 

For my readers, I will not give away any of the story. You have to buy it for yourself. Beyond the Pale Motel is available at Barnes & Noble and Amazon in hardcover or e-book. Go! Buy! Read!

This one is going on my preferred list to be sure!

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