Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Book Review - Beyond the Pale Motel

As my readers know, I love promoting other authors and their new releases. That being said, I am very careful when I review a book on my blog and do not offer my promotions lightly. In other words, I do not promote without discretion. If I don’t like a book, I will not review it – period. I am so pleased to tell you all about an author and her new book that is released today.
Introducing Francesca Lia Block, and her new book Beyond the Pale Motel

I have to say that you must purchase this book. You are in for a ride of your life! From the opening paragraph, the prologue, interest is piqued. As a reader, I had to go further. From there, the characters, Catt and Bree, come to life and the back story provides the perfect conflict.  

The erotic scenes are just that – erotic, evocative, and captivating. They are not the old, tired scenes that appear in all erotica. The side story that provides the impetus and catalyst for the conflict gives the reader a seat gripping, heart stopping journey. As a reader, not only did I want to close my eyes until it was over, but I was compelled to I read on.

I have to say here that, as an author and writer myself, I often find myself reading a book in editor mode wondering how I would have written the scene. But Francesca completely took me out of editing and into reading. Really? That’s a hard thing to do for me. I have not read her other book, but believe me, I will most definitely do that now!

Francesca, well done! Your characters are written in a way that it is easy, as a reader, to feel for them and to understand their motivation. I want to read it again! 

For my readers, I will not give away any of the story. You have to buy it for yourself. Beyond the Pale Motel is available at Barnes & Noble and Amazon in hardcover or e-book. Go! Buy! Read!

This one is going on my preferred list to be sure!

Friday, September 5, 2014

The Camellia

My name,  Camille, is taken from one of my favorite flowers, the Camellia. The Camellia is a very special and magical flower with powerful properties.
A gift of a Camellia should never be taken lightly because it could reverse the intent of the gift. So with that, let me tell you a little about the Camellia's gift.

The Camellia brings riches and luxury.
It's name means adoration, perfection.
The gift of the Camellia brings with it
The thought of adoration and love and
The wish of prosperity and riches
To the receiver.
If you are blessed with the gift of a Camellia, it is an honor of perfect love and is considered a sacred gift for the wish of prosperity and riches is a true treasure. If treated lightly or without honor, the reverse becomes its gift.

Know that if I gift a Camellia, I think very highly of you and wish you the best in life.
Starting on Saturday, I will be giving a Camellia to one of my friends and followers on my Twitter account,  my Facebook account, and my Instagram account.

To follow me on Facebook,  go to

Instagram: @camreneeharper

And Twitter : @CamWylde

I can't wait to get started!